Using diatomaceous earth is an easy and economical way to boost your Barn and Farm health and live a happy and productive life.

Completely Chem-Free, Organic and Safe to use!

Diatoamaceous Earth and Livestock is a natural fit into your busy lifestyle and keeping a healthy, clean, organic environment for your animals.

Diatomaceous Earth is a must have for your barn, stalls and stock tanks. With so many uses, it’s a go-to for all of those on manure duty! Instead of lye or other products consider using Diatomaceous Earth such as our Livestock DE as an everyday product to keep stalls, calving sheds, coops, and kennels dry, and smelling fresh.

Diatomaceous Earth is a great bedding booster. Super absorbent, allowing bedding and shavings to stay dryer longer. Keeps harmful Ammonia odors at bay allowing for a sweet, fresh, clean air environment. Simply clean your stall, apply Livestock DE to major wet and soiling areas, and apply shavings or bedding over the top. Pick out as needed.

Diatoamaceous Earth is great for your Manure Piles! Using Livestock DE in your bedding keeps manure piles from manure off-gassing and smelling. It’s great for composting as well, and is a natural soil amendment.

Livestock DE can be used as a topical or free-choice feed additive. 2%/100lbs of feed ratio is common for most animals (see our feed chart under Livestock DE) Diatomaceous Earth is a naturally occurring mineral source that will greatly enhance your animals coat, hooves, plumage and structural health. The Silica in all of Diatomaceous Earth products helps rebuild connective tissues. Naturally occurring Minerals are more readily absorbed by the body and enhance the bodies natural function and operations. It is tasteless and odorless, and mixes easily into feed. Fed free choice, we recommend putting it in a dry, wind protected area that is easily accessible and let your livestock to naturally choose the amount they require.

Livestock DE is a must for chickens and all fowl! Mixing into feed produces thicker stronger eggshells, bright plummage and eyes. Mixing Livestock DE equal parts to sand and putting it in large tub to use as a natural feather dust bath is a must for your birds and provides bright, beautiful, clean plummage!

Stock Tank Clear is a must have for clear, pure water, free of Slimy Green Tank scum! Stock Tank Clear, greatly reduced algae growth and adherence to tank walls, keeping your stock tank and automatic waterers clean, longer, and with out the added labor of scrubbing.

The Health Ranch hopes you love using Diatomaceous Earth as much as we do!

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